Managing Your Bankroll

The bankroll is the total amount of richdaddy free credit you have available to play tournaments, cash games, etc. As the greatest poker players in the world will say, managing your bankroll properly is the key to not losing money. This requires a few simple but important rules so as not to have unpleasant surprises.
We will classify bankroll management in three parts, limit parts, no-limit, and sit and go. First of all, in limit tournaments it is simply advisable to have at least the equivalent of 300 big blinds, that is to say, that if you participate in a game where the blinds are $ 1 / $ 2 it is advisable to have at least a bankroll of $ 600. Then in no-limit tournaments, it is extremely advisable not to play more than 5% of your total bankroll or even a maximum of 7%… For example in a game with blinds of $ 0.2 / $ 0.4 with a buy-in of $ 40, you should have a bankroll of at least $ 800. To know that to neglect this rule is to put a huge sword of Damocles above your head by promoting long-term luck. Finally in sit and go the rule to follow is identical to that of no-limit tournaments, that is to say, play a maximum of 5% of your bankroll per game.
Some Tips To Quickly And Easily Increase Your Earnings :
Choose Your Table:
Do not choose a table with confirmed players, even if it means playing with novices who do not hesitate to spend a lot per game. Do not hesitate to fall back on one of the various variants if they are more lucrative.
Optimize Your Table:
It is advisable to choose your table according to your bankroll. Indeed it is not useless to go down to a table more beginner or less expensive to remake. When the limit is crossed it can be interesting to be able to win back a few euros easily. Be careful, however, not to fall into the trap of the “tight-fisted” who will only play on small tables being afraid of losing too much. Playing on small tables saves money but it remains low. Staying at low-level tables necessarily represents a shortfall in the long term that should not be neglected.
Finally, Select Your Site:
Do not hesitate to change the poker room if you find the current one uncomfortable. Indeed, the environment of the table is crucial in your games. Playing on a site that you don’t like and that you are not comfortable with, even if you manage to win richdaddy asia register, is not a good thing in the long run.
The bankroll is your pot for future poker games. This needs to be handled perfectly if you want to see your earnings increase. This involves rules to be respected so as not to hinder your limits and some advice to read well to always earn more. One last piece of advice, don’t live just for Poker: It’s a passion and it shouldn’t create any problems in your budget.